Saturday, October 10, 2009

The skin between my fingers is itchy and peeling. What is that and will it pass by itself?

The webby skin between my fingers both on the hand and feet peel and are red and itchy. The rest of my body skin is OK... What the hell is this - and how can it be also in my hands and feet at the same time?
The skin between my fingers is itchy and peeling. What is that and will it pass by itself?
You have a fungus, similar to "athlete's foot" on your hands and feet. Wash your feet and hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, pat dry (make sure you get them really dry) and apply Lamisil or similar product abou 3 times daily. If it doesn't clear up in a week or so I would go to the doctor. Keep your hands out of your eyes and mouth, too, or it will spread there as well.
The skin between my fingers is itchy and peeling. What is that and will it pass by itself?
it is athlete feet on your hands and feet. if it is blistery and itchy then it is a fungus. you gotta get some athlete's cream NOT spray and / or go to the doctors if it persists more than 5 days.
Reply:sounds like dermatitis, you can buy cream that relieves the itching, not sure what its called.
Reply:Could be fungus. Try Tinactin. If that doesn't work, see a doctor.
Reply:no its not pass itself. u have to apply some anti fungal cream.
Reply:Might just be dead skin cells peeling off. However, you should use cortizone or an equivalent to heal the itching and redness. It should make you feel better. If not, itr might be that you are allergic to something, some type of clothing maybe or food. Do you have eczema?
Reply:It happens to me sometimes, but I live in the desert (southern Nevada). My hands will get so bad sometimes that they will crack and bleed from the dryness. I just use extra moisturizing hand lotion a few times a day until it stops, then once a day for a while after that. A girl one time gave me some melon scented lotion from Bath and Body Works that did the trick. I didn't care that it was a woman's scent, I was in too much discomfort to care. Jergins makes a good lotion that doesn't leave a strong scent, and is a lot less expensive.


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