Saturday, October 10, 2009

My skin is very irritated?

my skin has red patches and its very irritating. my mom gets the same thing only more frequently. and its itchy. is there anything i can do to get rid of it...and do you know what kind of skin irritation this is called?
My skin is very irritated?
It could be dry skin and this is the time of year when it gets most irritated, keep your skin moisturized at all times. Keep yourself hydrated, drink at least 6-8 glasses of fluid/day especially water. Try not to use anything with alcohol in it because alcohol is very drying. The bowls around the heater with water in them is also a good idea. Also cleaning is very important because of the dust, we tend to close our selves in the winter months! If the problem persists or gets worse then maybe it's time to consult a Dermatologist. Good Luck!
My skin is very irritated?
Could it be, because you live in a cold climate ? Could it be, because you have a wood stove at home? If yes to any of these questions you have the answer and what I would recommend is get lots of moister cream in your face even put some bowels up with water in it or get a humidifier. You neither this is your answer,then you might be allergic to some food. Watch what you eat make a list and see what happens with certain food. If you figured it out ask you Doc. what there can be done about it.

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