Saturday, October 10, 2009

Do skin tags on the anal area ever shrink and go away due to a chronic fissure?

i have had hemmoroid problems for years and along the way i developed anal fissures which are considered to be chronic and along with that i got a skin tag which is itchy and annoying. i am trying everything i can to get rid of it from soaking in the tube to medicines to natural oils. before they operate and do a procedure on me i'd like to know what i am up against and if this skin tag will ever go away. too young for these anal problems. help. thanks
Do skin tags on the anal area ever shrink and go away due to a chronic fissure?
Ask your doctor, and get a second opinion, before you let any of them operate. And most important; ask for references (past patients that have had simular surgeries) to find out their sucess rates. Also; how many Malpractice lawsuits, have been filed against any of the Doctors you're considering! They don't call it "Practicing Medicine" for no reason!!!!

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