Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whats the key to perfect skin or is it all in genetics?

I have done it all. retin-A, differen, facials, pro-active,glycolic peels, microdermabrasion. My skin is very smooth %26amp; soft 2 the touch but doesnt look that way 2 the eye. I drink at least 4cups of water a day, 8 is just 2 much for my size. I eat pretty healthy, but do have junk every so often although they say that is not connected w/ main problem is blemishes %26amp; very tiny little craters that almost look like enlarged pores ( i think i have these from messing w/my face 2 much, but they go away with microdermabrasion). I wish i could just have the skin of say Gabriele Union, I'm 24 should I just deal w/what I got or is there something out there? Right now i do the combo method, a little proactive, neutrogena deep pore, st ives apricot scrub, vichy cleanser, ddf acne scrub,vichy microdermabrasion @home, rubbing alcohol ( i know shoot me) %26amp; soy moisturizer w/spf this is just to maintain "decent" skin! I dont do all these things everyday, but they are worked into a weekly regimen.
Whats the key to perfect skin or is it all in genetics?
I too have problem skin so I feel you yet first things first, you are using too many products on your skin. I am currently (topically) using Clinque. A little more expensive than neutrogena, but worth the money. Anything that helps minimize pores and control oil are key. Things with retinol are good, vitamin C, and soy (Aveeno) are good too. Also, try some internal treatment. Check out differents herbs that help cleans your blood. Removing toxins from your body this way help a "whole" lot. I like Burdock root...very inexpensive and helps with a lot of everyday things. Also yeast, a lot of people have more yeast in their bodies then what your organs can handle. Try a yeast and/or fungal detox....good too. HTH!
Whats the key to perfect skin or is it all in genetics?
Have you gone to your dermatologist? They will give you a topical solution and a pill to help your skin...they did that for me and it was wonderful.
Reply:to be honest with u what i do is every day or every other day i scrub my face with a cleanser called clean and clear i get it at walmart and i have this cream that is called acne cleaners treatment and i put that on after and every night before i go to bed a put on some lotion any kind at all and rub all over my face and i skin glows like a light bulb it shines.
Reply:You still may be doing too much. I think I would try doing just the proactiv and your microdermabrasion for you"craters". I still occasionally use rubbing alcohol. Don't do that too often either. I love using it as an astringent, but know I shouldn't. You really should try to drink more water. It really does make a difference. Helps flush out those toxins, and makes your skin look better.
Reply:Make sure you keep yourself hydrated, break a sweat everyday, and treat your liver well. The skin acts as a secondary excretion system to the digestive tract... filtered by the liver. Foods that help the liver; fish oils, B vitamins, colorful vegetables, all have the ability to aid your skin.

Also, you should try maintaining a regimien of one product at a time, you have some quality products in there (which I'm sure you spend plenty of $ on) sometimes more is not better.
Reply:wow, your using way to much product. what has worked for me is just soap and water. i like the dove-rosa soap, it has moisturizers in it so it doesnt dry out your skin. also ivory soap is good. also i always use this stuff called witch hazel(you can get it at walgreens). it works wonders on my skin. ill have acne and ill use this stuff and itll go away the next day. like over night. its better than rubbing alcohol by far. also i use an oil-free moisturizer. also if you eat greasy and fried foods all the time it will put more oil in your skin which can give you acne. everybodys skin is different, so i hope this works for you. remember only wash twice a day, you dont want to strip the good oils from your skin.

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