Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dry skin!!?

hi im not sure if i should be worried. i have dry skin round the end of my penis on the forskin my penis has turned slighly red down the back of the penis and i have dry skin at the end and it sometimes itchs but rarly

btw its not an std im a virgin


Dry skin!!?
If you masturbated too roughly any pubic skin can get dry and irritated (red).

Leave it alone for a day/night and it should improve. And go gentler on yourself (after all; you'll last longer and get a better orgasm).

Another possibility is the type of soap; if you recently changed soaps, some people have sensitive skin.
Dry skin!!?
It could be one of a several things. You could have masturbated too much or too roughly. Abstain from masturbation or sexual activity for a week to let it heal and return to normal. During this time, be sure to keep it clean by washing daily when taking a shower/bath; using a moisturizing soap or lotion may help.

If it doesn't improve in a week, it's probably something else. It could irritation from chemicals, such as certain detergents or soaps. Some people have sensitive skin and sometimes it manifests itself as red and dry skin. Try using a mild scentless soap and if you're washing your clothes with a strong detergent, use one that's less strong (and maybe less strong smelling). See if this is the case.

If it's neither of these two things, then it might be an irritation from something else. See the link for more info.

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