Monday, March 15, 2010

I want flawless skin.?

I have decenrt skin, a few blackheads and some milia, i get little blemishes in the corners of my nose, I also get shiny on my nose and my pores are kinda big on my cheeks.

I use Neutrogena Deep Clean, Neutrogena Blackhead Scrub, Proactiv Toner, and Neutrogena Moisturizer.

Its not improving my skin but its not making it worse either.

My skin is kind of dull and I want that model shine.

What should I use, and no I can't go to the dermatologist.
I want flawless skin.?
Okay well here I go on my rant again..

I tried Proactive before .. twice and honestly though it works well, it takes it's sweet time and is very pricey to begin with.

I switched to Clean and Clear daily Cream Cleanser and it's working incredibbllyy well for me.

It's way faster than proactive and as long as I wash morning and night with it, it will always ALWAYS keep the acne away. But if I stop for a few days.. wham .. back it comes.

And this is from a girl who wears foundation and bronzer.... to get a product that can keep your face clear looking even after it's had makeup on it all day is a pretty sweet deal.

Try to avoid cleansers with scrubs as those can spread bacteria and make it worse.. occasional scrub is enough.
I want flawless skin.?
try natural products.
Reply:Hmm... Neutrogena's a really good brand but it doesn't seem to be working for you. Try some of their newer products:

Or maybe you should try Olay... just browse their products.

and good luck!
Reply:your using to many products man!!talk about drying up ur skin which takes al the natural oil from your skin(makes you look a lot older) try only using one product maybe the wave, yea it looks like its only for girls but it does help so try it u can get it from publix or any drugstore it does wonders=D it removes all blackheads cleanses ur face and even makes ur face smoother! good luck=D
Reply:Drink more water and eat antioxidant rich foods.
Reply:Clinique makes phenomenal skincare product lines.
Reply:go for natural products

apply orange juice with a pinch of salt


try some things on has tons of ideas from many people on lots of different subjects including acne and skin problems.

and i suggest reading this article.
Reply:Try virgin coconut oil.

It's natural, cheap and works very well on me.

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