I have super dry skin on my face...Every morning i use clean and clear morning stuff...Its orange..lol and every night i use Aquafina acticating hydration rx(or somthing like that) and then clean and clear deep cleaning astringent..and then olay pink fluid lotion stuff...am i doing to much..and what is gross is that the skin on my nose is peeling..and my cheeks and chin are getting really bad...I dont know what to do!! Do you think it would work if i used like....Head and shoulders for the flakiness( i heard it from somewhere and idk if itll work..and i have a wedding to go too tomarrow and i dont wanna screw annything up!)Lol so please help...and home remmedies or anything would help...Thanks
Dry skin on my face=(?
for tonight and the morning, use a 1% hydrocortisone cream. you find this any pharmacy store(walgreen, cvs, etc...) after that dont wash with more than one product and only use one that matches your skin type(oily, dry, etc...). H and D will work but go easy on how much you use. if you are going to wear any make up tomorrow, use a minerals type. loreal sells minerals make up now.
good luck.
Dry skin on my face=(?
I would stop using so many products - that is probably what has your skin irritated, and I would not used head %26amp; shoulders! Just wash your face with gentle soap tonight and then facial lotion (forget the toner, etc) - tomorrow morning, do the same thing.
Reply:Using all that stuff it's pretty normal that you would have dry skin, especially now that it's winter and the air is so dry. It's not that you're doing too much, but you need to use moisturizer in the morning and at night. You might try also toning down your routine for a few days, for instance lay off the astringent until your skin gets back to normal.
Reply:well 1.your face is pealing because your using more than one product.you're only supposed to use one product because your face gets use to the one product ur using and if u use more than one it doesnt have time to get used to it...so use one!! and if u sleep with a wet rag on your face at night..when u wake up your face wont be dry and put on the ONE product ur using
I used to have really dry skin.
First of all exfoliation is key, noting you use can penetrate the skin to get rid of dryness if you do not clear the skin of dead skin cells. Exfoliate no more then twice a week, rub the skin gently and in circular motions to help blood flow.
What I use, that totally got rid of dryness was Olive Oil, you probably have some in your kitchen, just apply some oil to your face, about 5 drops, just enough to leave your face looking shiny and sleep with the oil on your face.
Do this every night and the dryness should soon be gone.
Also look on Make up Alley, for makeup used on dry skin and for a good exfoliater.
Good luck.
Reply:Erin... you may consider taking Omega 3 Fish Oil pills.
They have been miraculous for me and my son. We both suffer from very dry skin, and taking a daily Omega 3 fish oil pill has had an amazing effect on both of us.
Any brand should do the trick.
Good luck to you!
Reply:i think you're using the wrong products...first dont use the astringent, that kind of product is for people with oily skin who get breakouts. For dry skin, you first need to use a gentle face scrub, which will get rid of the flakes. Then you could use a gentle toner on your skin...i use clinique's. Then a good day moisturiser, pref with some uva/uvb protection. Use a different moisturiser at night - a good night cream.
then maybe once a week you could use a face mask to keep your pores clean. I use a charcoal one - its really good.
But have you always had dry skin -it may be a reaction to the products or the cold winter.
What i think would be good for u is to go to a beauty store or pharmacy, and ask the people there..they'll tell u your skin type which is important when determining your skin routine. Its free and you dont have to feel obligated to buy anything from them either...if youre lucky they might even give you free samples :)
Reply:Wow you use a lot of drying products on your skin.
I have dry skin and I only use water to clean my face.
My skin is dry after that so I use a moistureizer with sunscren in it for day.
ANd a plain one for night time. I still get dry patches , but put more lotion on the spots to help, and yes, I do exfoliate maybe once a week. I just use water and washcloth though.
Reply:I have the same problem and I found a whole bunch of home remedies that work great. I will send you the links look at all of them they have a lot of informatioon for you. One of the links is for a mask you can make and apply at home.
There is also a quiz to see what your skin type is (besides just dry).
Good luck with eveything
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