Thursday, March 11, 2010

Secret Skin Tips to keeping skin healthy?

Please post your skin tips =]

I read each answer and I will choose the best answer that has a lot of tips/secrets.
Secret Skin Tips to keeping skin healthy?
1) Drink lots of water every day.

2) Always remove your makeup before bed. (Every night that you don't, ages your skin an extra week or two).

3) Stay out of the sun.

4) Use a good night cream on both face and neck.

5) Always wear a good foundation because it protects the skin from the weather and pollution.

6) Get a bronzer powder for the summer. You will look healthy and really be healthy because no sun exposure.

7) Take a multi-vitamin every day.
Secret Skin Tips to keeping skin healthy?
omg I so wanna know tips to keep my skin healthy!. thats why i starred this questions =]]...
Reply:uhhh.... well i have combination skin i think which is oily and dry which is really annoying! I use proactive which works sort of well but the thing i really like is the mask they have because i use it for on the spot treatment.
Reply:'healthy skin starts from within'! we've all heard it, but it is true. i notice a big change in my skin when i double my water intake....not those fruit waters either. god didn't make us with strawberry kiwi water! it's certainly boring, but you can add your own fresh fruits to it instead of buying that bottled stuff. also, i use baby wash as my facial soap (extra gentle on the skin). i rotate my moisturizer, but always put it on a damp face so that you don't overload with cream...a bit of vaseline (my grandmother ALWAYS used vaseline and she stayed in the sexy scene til she passed at age 80! her skin was beautifully tight..for an old lady! lmao!) or olive oil - my usual favorite. oh, and maybe 2-3x week, i use ground cinnamon as an astringent - in the shower only ladies, cinnamon is NO JOKE! that's all i have...
Reply:1.) witch hazel is an awesome toner

2.) aspirin can be made into a mask to treat pimples when mixed with water. Just drp a few drops over 3-4 aspirin, crush, and make a paste.

3.) To make your blush last longer, apply creme blush under your foundation, then the same color in a powder under your makeup

4.) line the bottom rim of your eye with white eyeline to make your eyes look bigger and more awake.

5.) use green consealer to correct red blemishes

6.) an electric tooth brush and a facial scrub can be used for at home microdermabrasion for much cheaper than that neutrogena stuff. It works better too.

7.) copper eye shadow makes blue eyes pop

lavender-green. deep purple-brown pink-hazel

8.) smile smile smile!
Reply:1. Exfoliating with plain white sugar mixed with a little warm water makes your skin glow.

2. Always wash all makeup off before you go to bed.

3. Use a moisturizer with SPF everyday.
Reply:i'm no GENIUS, but everyone tells me i have "beautiful skin" i'll try to attach a picture... but yes, i do drink lots of water, but really, its in daily regimen.

-make sure to wash your face twice a day

-use an SPF!!

-exfoliate!! not too harsh, but enough to reveal smooth skin

-use a dense hydrating creme AT NIGHT! (i have oily skin but i still use this at night in order to balance the oils in the daytime)

-use makeup that WONT clog pores, and possibly with vitamins and minerals (but not needed!)

-use a toner/stringent before and after taking off makeup and before makeup application


-wash your brushes twice a month/replace puffs

-use medication for pimples, and start using acne regimen immediately when you notice you're getting a pimple! (it'll go away faster)

When it comes to the face, heat is the biggest key. Heat creates an atmosphere for your pores to expand. A hot rag (as hot as you can stand it) across the face is the best bet. As far as a topical treatment, you need to invest in a good scrub and a very fine toner. I tell people this all the time that I do makeup for. Here are some key things to remember when looking for cleansers:

1. A good scrub needs to have some sort of exfoliant (i.e. microbeads, pumice grains, etc.) in it. Once you have applied the hot rag to your face and opened up your pores, the scrub is used to get deep down into the pores and clean them out.

2. In a good scrub, stay away from anything that has a lot of soap or fragrance to it. Fragrance = additives that probably will makes things worse. Your main ingredient when looking for a scrub is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid acts as an antibacterial to cleanse deep to break up the blackheads and fight the bacteria causing them.

3. A good toner should be found because once the skin is clean, the toner is used to tighten the cleansed pores to minimalize the entrance of future bacteria. And sadly to say it (but get over it), A TONER DOES STINK! Its made primarily of alcohol, so it will stink! Get over it! It's worth it!

4. Lastly, and a lot of people don't think about this, find a light lotion with an added sunscreen (at least SPF 15). You want a light lotion (nothing fancy or fragrancy) with a sunscreen to prevent dryness from the toner and the sunscreen will help protect from sun damage (obviously!).

Always remember to catch blackheads before they start (before they become pimples)! And for the love of God: DO NOT PICK AT A PIMPLE IF YOU GET ONE! Picking only creates more infection from the bacteria on your hands....and most importantly: it's just GROSS! Some brands to try for a scurb or toner would be: Oil of Olay, Biore`, Clinique, Clean %26amp; Clear, Clearasil.......just to name a few! Also remember to drink lots of water to help keep down ure intake of oils. Oh and p.s. to guys who are reading this: just because girls use it in a commercial DOES NOT mean that a guy cannot use it too! A girl would like it a lot more to see a guy with a clean face and a cabinet full of girly skin care stuff, than Mister Zit next door! I'm me on this!

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! You can also add a masque like the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque to your skin care regimen. The Mint Julep Masque is an effective and affordable way to deep clean skin that is prone to pimples and enlarged pores to leave skin feeling refreshed and smooth. Follow the link below to get a coupon for $1.00 off and give it a try or get a refill. Enjoy!
