Thursday, March 11, 2010

How long for skin to fully heal after mole removal?

I've had a mole removed back in September. It took about 3 weeks for the "hole" that was present to fill in. However, today (almost 3 months later), the new skin is still reddish.

How long will my skin take to return to its original color (ie how long does the skin take to FULLy heal after a moles is removed)? Or is this is as good as it's going to look?
How long for skin to fully heal after mole removal?
like a month or 2 (maybe even three )
How long for skin to fully heal after mole removal?
Reply:Everyone heals at different periods of time but the reddish will go away. There are creams etc you can get at the pharmacy section to help speed up the scarring and healing process.
Reply:When moles are removed on the back, the scar might look pink and slightly elevated. It will be reddish in the begining. Because we use our backs often (well always) the skin does not really heal as the rest of the body does. It can take up to 3 years for the scar to become lighter and less visible. But it's better than the mole - which can give skin cancer. Ask a friend or relative to apply vitamin e cream often as possible - this will increase the speed at which it will heal.
Reply:I also have my 2 moles removed located just beside my nose, The healing period differs to every individual. In my case, the healing period was 2 weeks, I also have red scars but my cosmetic surgeon prescribed me contractubex cream(for keloid scar) which i applied on the affected area 3 x a day for about 3 weeks, and it works on me. But for you to be assess properly, please see a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon.
Reply:Are you Diabetic ? It takes longer to heal if you are one.usually the scar turn white depending on your skin color. If you are fair it is unnoticeable but if you are dark skin it becomes lighter in color.if it is reddish it is still fresh and not healed inside. For faster healing have yourself inoculated by Immuglobolin. Ask your doctor first about these.

1 comment:

  1. The time of healing of skin after mole removal will depend on the type of treatment you have been taken. Mole removal creams are harmless with natural ingredients and also some creams may heal the mole within one month.
