Friday, November 6, 2009

My skin...oily+dry..what to do?

I have oily skin and dry skin. It's oily in the t-zone but my cheeks are dry. What kind of soap should I used? I break out easy so I have to use almay.
My skin...oily+dry..what to do?
I have problems with my skin too... Seriously...

Super oily... T_T

oily + dry = combination...

The best advice that I could give to you is to consult a dermatologist on what your skin type needs. Because there are a lot of products that varies to different skin types. Also, I tried and tried and tried using LOTS and LOTS of diff. products but I still had a breakout for 6 years. Since then, I went to a dermatologist and she gave me some medications on what product is appropriate for my skin. I followed her instructions and after a few months of maintaining this regime I have arrive to a breakout free skin.. :) Less oily, less pimples... hehe.. =)

My skin...oily+dry..what to do?
put lotion on.........................................
Reply:there are a lot of face products out there for "combination" skin. unfortunately most of them break me out too. recently ive started using the clarity line from

it works really well for me, calming the acne without drying me out. good luck!
Reply:I had that same issue, and it was recommended to me to use Dove Sensitive Skin Bar Soap. It worked great. Make sure that the products you use don't have alcohol in them.
Reply:try using two diff. types or face things. wash your face normally and then put lotion on the dry parts
Reply:look i have the same problem and what i use is :

number 7 and i do it morning ansd night

firt i use the toner then cleanser and then the daily moisteriiser all of #7 and it workes well
Reply:severely dry skin issues and problems can lead to serious, bad skin condition like eczema. serious skin care is a must to have a soft and a healthy looking skin. the best way to keep the skin clean is to be able to stay away form moisture robbers like the sun, dry air and other dehydrating products. keep the skin moist all day and keep it hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. an all natural moisturizer can be of great help in retaining the skin's moisture and rejuvenating the skin. healthy habits can also pave way to a healthy skin. for more tips on good skin care visit
Reply:Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, but choose a light, watery fluid; this will be enough for your skin. Allow the moisturizer to sink in well and then absorb the excess with a tissue to prevent shine.check out

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