Friday, November 6, 2009

Murad made my skin worse?

so i had like a few breakouts on my forhead before using murad and after i started using it like a week later i got breakouts and white heads on my face where i would NEVER normally get them [cheeks,chin,near ears] and then i read about the whole "purging process" where u start breaking out alot because of the prouct and then over time ur skin will be clearer. well it just made it alot worse and now im pissed and feel so bad cus if i didnt use this then my skin wouldnt be like this. ive stopped using this product and my question is if i stopped using it will my skin go back to the way it was or will it have long term effects and did anyone else go through this with murad and how long did it take to get better
Murad made my skin worse?
Yeah I ve been through this bull and unfortunately even though you stop this bad creams, your pimples do not go away like you would want or expect them to go! You have two choices whether you be patient until they go (which takes time of course), or you go to the dermatologist to get some tetracycline so it would help to heal your pimples!

I hate pimples!!!

Take care ;-) and good luck!
Murad made my skin worse?
yea thats what its called purging just wait a couple of weeks. thats what happend to me but now my skin is clear ! Report It

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