Friday, November 6, 2009

Light Skin or Dark Skin, What's your preference?

Black men and women are internally divided by skin color. Which do you prefer?
Light Skin or Dark Skin, What's your preference?
I perfer to just have skin, never mind what color it is. Dark, light, very light, very dark, who cares! People should find someone who loves them for more then what color the skin is but for who they are. I do however agree with you, some black people do still care about the degree of color and I believe it limits them. Quick question, if you perfer dark skin vs light skin do you just love what you have and move on, or do you secretly still lust for what you want/perfer?
Light Skin or Dark Skin, What's your preference?
*Shrugging my furry shoulders* While I do find darker skin rather alluring and attractive, I do not base my choices on simply that. Physical appearance is only one of MANY traits that I take into concideration...
Reply:Doesn't matter.
Reply:all of it. the more the merrier.
Reply:Its not the colour of the skin that matters to me...
Reply:I perfer they have healthy skin. What shade they are doesn't matter to me.
Reply:I prefer light brown skin.
Reply:dark skin
Reply:I like a lovely shade of caramel... I think most people are naturally attracted (at least initially) to people who resemble them... but not always.

It would totally depend on the person, I suppose...

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