Monday, March 15, 2010

Discoloration in the skin between my thighs how can I fix this????

my skin is fair but the skin between my thighs is so dark (BLACK!!!!) I think it is because I was overwieght and my thighs used to rud against each other it is very embarrassing what can I do for the skin to go back to it's original color???? please helpppppppppppppppppppppppppp!...
Discoloration in the skin between my thighs how can I fix this????
Sweetie beauty is only skin deep and once a guy gets between your thighs ,I can assure you he will not care what color you [they] are.
Discoloration in the skin between my thighs how can I fix this????
apply lemon juice exract in the area, let it dry and scrub with rough loofa while washing with warm water. repeat this every other day. finish with light lotion and dust some loose powder to reduce friction betwen ur thighs
Reply:wear pants(or cotton tights when u wear skirts ) more it helps a little and maybe use a light application of nadnolia bleaching cream it suppose to help remove scaring from acne marks so it may work there to or maybe some palmers cocoa butter for strech marks %26amp; scars
Reply:Who cares if it's black? Are you racist?
Reply:Here's how but youll need patience it didnt get like that in one day it wont go away in one day. Get a scrub any but pay a bit extra and get a good one - Yves Rocher if you happen to have one in your area sells many good ones, you can pick one up at the pharmacy but go for the $10 - $20 range ones. Scrub with once daily on the whole area that is affected (your whole body too if you want) when you use it go in circles and really make sure your getting the gritty stuff into the skin a bit. It will take about 28 - 40 days to achieve great results. Reason is your going to be replacing the damaged skin layer by layer. the scrub will aid in a couple things one of course youll keep it clean and smooth and be taking away dead skin cells, two the circular massaging motion with stimulate blood flow and tissue causing the new layers to come in healthier one by one. This will at the very least dramatically improve the look of your thighs but in the event that its still not 100% and a light tan rather than ivory skin if thats your case you can consider speaking with a dermatologist about treatment to lighten the area in Canada it would probably be in the $200 - $500 range in the US where unfortunately the doctors are money grabbers about $500 - $1000 (Im sure about my suggestion but not possitive on price)
Reply:i'm not sure how to fix it, but don't worry i don't think it's because you are overweight. i am underweight and i have the same thing! it only happened once i started tanning in beds so i thought it was just cause of that! do you use tanning beds?

hm idk but it's weird! and i totally know what you mean it's like you're black inbetween the legs LOL
Reply:there's no racist issue here.. it's a skin problem and i understand what you're going through.. now go and get this nice $9 skin lightening cream from this source to take care of your problem -

Lotion on dry skin worsen acne?

im always hesitant to put lotion on dry skin because it seems like it'll make it worse. like when i use a product for acne that dries out my skin will the lotion stop what the product is doing? by putting grease and oils onto my skin and everything. lol sorry if that makes no sense it's hard for me to explain. basically im asking does moisturizer stop acne products from working?
Lotion on dry skin worsen acne?
No. Moisturizer should always be applied to every skin type. I used to think it would make acne worse but that's not true. I've heard that over washing your face and not applying moisturizer can actually make you break out more because your pores have to work even harder and end up over-producing oil which leads to break outs. I use Mary K facial products. They work really well. There is actually a teen skin care line that they carry. I heard it works very well. I've also seen acne moisturizers that have very light moisturizers that you might want to try. I hope this helps and good luck :0)
Lotion on dry skin worsen acne?
no, using a mosturizer is the best thing that you can do for your skin. When i get a breakout I always put louds of acne creams and what not on it. But actually, the best thing to do for it is to put lotion on it, get a good lotion though like Cetaphil. You dont want a scented shimmer lotion on your face. With your skin hydrated it can heal faster.
Reply:Conventional lotions and creams contain phthalates (plasticizers that make lotions and creams creamy) - known carcinogens, ladies. Phthalates also cause genital defects in males born to mothers who 'load the stuff on' or use multiple products containing phthalates. Even if they used it years BEFORE they got pregnant. The defect is that the urethra doesn't come all the way to the head of the penis. The child, baby, has to suffer through multiple surgeries to correct this most sensitive area of that tiny, tiny body. Keep hesitating - like forever. Then, hopefully, you will never have to live through what used to be 1 out of every thousand, but is now 1 out of every hundred mothers has to experience - the pain and agony of the suffering of their baby boy.

Just use plain soap and water. Wipe with witch hazel to kill the bacteria associated with acne. Touch tiny dabs of liquid vegetable oil on the dry areas.
Reply:acne is one of the skin disorder, it is not a disease, for to treat acne eat plenty amount of fish as much as possible, abbruptly stop drinking milk, dairy products like choclate etc, keep the affected area clean using soft soap, don't try to hit the affected area with your nail then it will be worsen, use glycirene based soap and lotions, use sun screen lotions, before going to bed wash the affected area with the soap and use the lotion, because in night only it will be increase, be in chill region like a/c etc............... if you follow this you will get cure of this acne
Reply:Don't think so. Dry skin types have to be extremely careful to protect their skin.Yogurt-honey combination helps dry skin. Make an egg pack with a yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of milk powder. This is beneficial to dry skin types. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
Reply:an all natural skin care face moisturizer can help the skin become smooth, clear and clean. this can also help keep the skin healthy. make sure that you choose a lotion that is all natural for it is proven to be safe and effective for all skin type. for more tips about good skin care visit
Reply:Dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results.

In a more serious skin disease, such as ichthyosis or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe prescription creams and ointments or other treatments in addition to home care.

Dry skin leads to dermatitis, which causes red, itchy skin. In these cases, treatment may include lotions with natural-oil ingredients. If your skin cracks open, your doctor may prescribe wet dressings with mildly astringent properties to contract your skin and reduce secretions and prevent infection.

I believe will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin.

HELP! Skin care issues.?

Can anyone recommend good skin care products. I've had a mild break out (not tons of zits, but a few on my cheeks) but I also tend to have dry skin that needs moisturizing. If I put on lotion, I break out more, if I don't I get fine lines. I'm looking for a quality product line. Any tips or suggestions?
HELP! Skin care issues.?
you dont need to go and spend $30+ to take care of the problem here's what i would do (you can buy this stuff @ wal-mart). Buy a face wash like neutrogena for acne that has Sacrylic acid in it. also get an Alcohol-free Toner. and buy a moisterizer that has SPF 15 in it that also has either sacrylic acid in it or benozoic acid (not sure thats how u spell) to wear during the day. at night use the face wash and toner again and use a night cream with the sacrylic or benozoic acid in it (this treats acne). do this everyday and use a face Masque that tones and dries out blemishes once a week, your skin will be cleared up in a week 2 @ the most good luck!
HELP! Skin care issues.?
Dermatologist Recommended Purpose Dual Treatment Moisture Lotion with SPF 15
Reply:Natures cure. The little white pills will help your acne on you chheks and the lotion that comes along with it will also hep your cheek-cne. It can be found in the skin care isle at walmart for 8.23, 8.30 plus tax. For your dry skin, Neutrogena has a cleansing lins specially formulated for dry skin. It's called Neutrogena something, then is says for dry skin on it. You'll know it cause it will have other products around that say for coimbination skin,and oily skin (by neutorgena) for moisturizung try aveeno poriducts. They contain oatmeal extract which it a really good emoillent and moisturizer.
Reply:I would guess you have to try a product with apricot scrub like St.Ives it refreshens your face or try Olay its a type of face moisterizer choose any type that you would perfer %26amp; you can find it in Ralphs.
Reply:as commercialized as this sounds, ProActive works. really. especially if you do it regulary.

oh, and wash your sheets once a week, or even your pillowcase. And wash your face with Ivory soap before going to bed helps.
Reply:pro active is the best!! it works in like 1 night. good luck
Reply:Talk to a dermatologist, but use biotherm. It is very light, and I use it. It has makeup and skin cleansers.
Reply:proactiv...even if you don't have a lot of acne it will keep it away. It also keeps ypur skin hydrated.
Reply:yes yes yes:

Dead Sea skin care products鈥?unique ingredient 鈥?mineral mud 鈥?is the key to unlocking your skin鈥檚 natural beauty. The remarkable absorbency of this mineral and oxygen rich substance gives it the ability to reach deep into the skin. Dead Sea mineral mud thoroughly cleanses clogged pores while using reverse osmosis to tighten them. Mineral mud鈥檚 natural ingredients revitalize and nourish, helping the skin to look and feel its best.
Reply:Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel is great for breakouts. Mary Kay TimeWise Moisturizer is great for your lines and doesn't cause breakouts or clog pores. Just click the link below.
Reply:Dermalogica works very well. my skin is just like yours. I have been able to moisturize without breaking out. You can get a free face mapping at any spa which sells Dermalogica. They will recommend the products which will work best for you. Ann exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. try zinc 50mg and vit a 10,000mg each day. they help with dryness. non dairy acidophilus fights bacteria growth and helps keep acne at bay. you can find these items at GNC or any vitamin store.
Reply:Nutra-lift has a nice anti-acne product, as does Obsessively Organics by Kiss My Face. Do NOT use Proactiv--yes it works, but it contains chemicals that will prematurely age your skin and cause other damage to your body.
Reply:use tonner containing glycolic acid

What skin products do Japanese women use to take care of their skin?

They have the nicest skin. Anyone here know what products to use?
What skin products do Japanese women use to take care of their skin?
they use a green bean mask for rashes on the face.

Tofu based mask to keep the skin clear %26amp; fair

Charcoal based mask to clear clogged pores

Eating farmed and organic products

Products to use hailed from Japan


Shu Emura


Charcoal mask from KOSE

Kenzoki Skin Care
What skin products do Japanese women use to take care of their skin?
I am not sure what products they use, but they have very healthy diets, which probably helps their skin a lot. =]
Reply:i kno a grl and her skin isnt all that great. its prolly just natural 4 sum of dem
Reply:The main secret to Asian skin is a supplement called FRESH ROYAL JELLY it is produced by bees and is truly amazing.

Skincare that contains royal jelly and or companies that sell the fresh royal jelly are the Best products to use.
Reply:i know a few that use a pearl cream called BEANNE. i've used it and it is good.u can use it as foundation too. makes ur face smooth.


My skin...oily+dry..what to do?

I have oily skin and dry skin. It's oily in the t-zone but my cheeks are dry. What kind of soap should I used? I break out easy so I have to use almay.
My skin...oily+dry..what to do?
I have problems with my skin too... Seriously...

Super oily... T_T

oily + dry = combination...

The best advice that I could give to you is to consult a dermatologist on what your skin type needs. Because there are a lot of products that varies to different skin types. Also, I tried and tried and tried using LOTS and LOTS of diff. products but I still had a breakout for 6 years. Since then, I went to a dermatologist and she gave me some medications on what product is appropriate for my skin. I followed her instructions and after a few months of maintaining this regime I have arrive to a breakout free skin.. :) Less oily, less pimples... hehe.. =)

My skin...oily+dry..what to do?
put lotion on.........................................
Reply:there are a lot of face products out there for "combination" skin. unfortunately most of them break me out too. recently ive started using the clarity line from

it works really well for me, calming the acne without drying me out. good luck!
Reply:I had that same issue, and it was recommended to me to use Dove Sensitive Skin Bar Soap. It worked great. Make sure that the products you use don't have alcohol in them.
Reply:try using two diff. types or face things. wash your face normally and then put lotion on the dry parts
Reply:look i have the same problem and what i use is :

number 7 and i do it morning ansd night

firt i use the toner then cleanser and then the daily moisteriiser all of #7 and it workes well
Reply:severely dry skin issues and problems can lead to serious, bad skin condition like eczema. serious skin care is a must to have a soft and a healthy looking skin. the best way to keep the skin clean is to be able to stay away form moisture robbers like the sun, dry air and other dehydrating products. keep the skin moist all day and keep it hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. an all natural moisturizer can be of great help in retaining the skin's moisture and rejuvenating the skin. healthy habits can also pave way to a healthy skin. for more tips on good skin care visit
Reply:Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, but choose a light, watery fluid; this will be enough for your skin. Allow the moisturizer to sink in well and then absorb the excess with a tissue to prevent shine.check out

I want flawless skin.?

I have decenrt skin, a few blackheads and some milia, i get little blemishes in the corners of my nose, I also get shiny on my nose and my pores are kinda big on my cheeks.

I use Neutrogena Deep Clean, Neutrogena Blackhead Scrub, Proactiv Toner, and Neutrogena Moisturizer.

Its not improving my skin but its not making it worse either.

My skin is kind of dull and I want that model shine.

What should I use, and no I can't go to the dermatologist.
I want flawless skin.?
Okay well here I go on my rant again..

I tried Proactive before .. twice and honestly though it works well, it takes it's sweet time and is very pricey to begin with.

I switched to Clean and Clear daily Cream Cleanser and it's working incredibbllyy well for me.

It's way faster than proactive and as long as I wash morning and night with it, it will always ALWAYS keep the acne away. But if I stop for a few days.. wham .. back it comes.

And this is from a girl who wears foundation and bronzer.... to get a product that can keep your face clear looking even after it's had makeup on it all day is a pretty sweet deal.

Try to avoid cleansers with scrubs as those can spread bacteria and make it worse.. occasional scrub is enough.
I want flawless skin.?
try natural products.
Reply:Hmm... Neutrogena's a really good brand but it doesn't seem to be working for you. Try some of their newer products:

Or maybe you should try Olay... just browse their products.

and good luck!
Reply:your using to many products man!!talk about drying up ur skin which takes al the natural oil from your skin(makes you look a lot older) try only using one product maybe the wave, yea it looks like its only for girls but it does help so try it u can get it from publix or any drugstore it does wonders=D it removes all blackheads cleanses ur face and even makes ur face smoother! good luck=D
Reply:Drink more water and eat antioxidant rich foods.
Reply:Clinique makes phenomenal skincare product lines.
Reply:go for natural products

apply orange juice with a pinch of salt


try some things on has tons of ideas from many people on lots of different subjects including acne and skin problems.

and i suggest reading this article.
Reply:Try virgin coconut oil.

It's natural, cheap and works very well on me.

Yellowish Skin?

Ok, my skin looks quite yellowish for some reason.. only the skin on my face. I've only just noticed this, is there anything i can do? when i say yellow, i dont mean it's bright yellow, it just looks a bit.. pale with a hint of yellow. I dont know why it looks like this, i am allergic and suffer from hayfever, if that has any connection? please can you give me some advice on how to get rid of this, it's really getting on my nerves.. thanks.
Yellowish Skin?
have you consulted a doctor?

Jaundiced skin has to do with your liver malfunctioning. If its only on your face it could easily be something else, but definitely get to a doctor asap.
Yellowish Skin?
What color are the whites of your eyes? Airborne allergies should have nothing to do with the color of your skin. Are you having any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain or discomfort? Jaundice can be a sign of a liver disorder if in fact you are jaundice. It can also indicate a blockage in a duct, such as gallstones. You should see your doctor asap.
Reply:Yellow tint indicates a condition called jaundice. It is caused when the liver is not functioning properly and the bile (waste) is released into the body verses being filtered through the liver. Try looking at the whites of your eyes...they will be yellow also.

You need to consult a physician for a proper evaluation.
Reply:well, the color of skin is a good indicator for a lot of things. skin can have different colors like frankly red which is called erythema, A redness of the skin resulting from inflammation, for example, as caused by sunburn, or can be blue if there is shortage of oxygen for some reasons. but for the yellowish color of skin which is called jaundice can be an indicator for liver problem so my advice is to run some tests like liver function tests to exclude any organic disease.
Reply:maybe your anemic?